دانشگاه هایدلبرگ آلمان ، اخذ پذیرش از دانشگاه هایدلبرگ
به گزارش ایران عکس، دانشگاه هایدلبرگ از قدیمی ترین و برجسته ترین دانشگاه آلمان و از مشهورترین دانشگاه های جهان بشمار می آید. دانشگاه هایدلبرگ در سال 1386 میلادی، با نام لاتین روپرتو کارولا هایدلبرگنسیس تأسیس شد. فلسفه، الهیات، حقوق و پزشکی اولین رشته هایی بودند که با تأسیس دانشگاه ارائه گردیدند. دانشکده پزشکی هایدلبرگ از برترین دانشکده های پزشکی اروپا و جهان بحساب می آید. از جمله فارغ التحصیلان مشهور این دانشگاه میتوان به ماکس وبر اشاره کرد.

مدرک زبان
برای دروس به زبان انگلیسی:
نمره 6.5
GRE (Biochemistry and/or Biology and/or Molecular and Cellular Biology only)
برای دروس به زبان آلمانی:
شهریه ها
1500 یورو در هر ترم
مهلت ثبت نام
ترم زمستان: 15 جولای
ترم تابستان: 15 ژانویه
رشته های مقطع لیسانس
- American Studies(100%)
- Ancient History(50%; 25%)
- Applied Computer Science(100%)
- Assyriology (75%, 50%; 25%)
- Biochemistry(100%)
- Biosciences (100%)
- Byzantine Archaeology and Art History(50%; 25%)
- Chemistry (100%)
- Chinese Studies (25%), see East Asian Studies(75 %; 50%(2); 25%)
- Christianity and Culture(50%; 25%)
- Classical Archaeology(75%; 50%; 25%)
- Classical Philology: Greek Studies(50%; 25%)
- Classical Philology: Latin Studies(50%; 25%)
- Comparative German Studies(75%, 50%, 25%)
- Computational Linguistics(100%, 75%; 50%; 25%)
- Earth Sciences(100%)
- East Asian Art History, see East Asian Studies(75%; 50%; 25%)
- East Asian Studies(75%; 50%(2); 25%)
- East European and East-Central European Studies(75%; 50%; 25%)
- Economics(100%; 50%; 25%; LO)
- Education Studies(50%; 25%)
- Egyptology (50%; 25%)
- English Studies(75%, 50%, 25%)
- Ethnology (75%; 50%(2); 25%)
- European Art History (EN)(75%; 50%(2); 25%)
- Geography (100%, 50%, 25%)
- German Studies(50%; 25%)
- Historical Methodology(25%)
- History (75%, 50%, 25%)
- Indology, see also South Asian Studies
- Indology, classical, see Cultural and Religious History of South Asia
- Indology, modern, see Modern South Asian Languages and Literatures
- Interprofessional Healthcare(100%)
- Islamic Studies(75%; 50%(2); 25%)
- Japanese Studies (25%), s. East Asian Studies(75 %; 50%(2); 25%)
- Jewish Studies
- Mathematics (100%)
- Medical Informatics(100%)
- Molecular Biotechnology(100%)
- Music (75%, 50%; 25%)
- Near Eastern Archaeology(75%, 50%, 25%)
- Philosophy (75%, 50%; 25%)
- Physics (100%, 50%)
- Political Science(75%; 50%; 25%)
- Pre- and Protohistory(50%; 25%)
- Protestant Theology(50%)
- Psychology (100%; 25%)
- Public Law(25%)
- Religious Studies(75%; 50%(2); 25%)
- Romance Studies: French(50%; 25%)
- Romance Studies: Italian(50%; 25%)
- Romance Studies: Spanish(50%; 25%)
- Romance Studies: Portuguese(25%)
- Semitic Studies(50%;25%)
- Slavic Studies(75%, 50%, 25%)
- Sociology (100%; 25%)
- South Asian Studies(100%, 75%, 50%, 25%)
- Sports Sciences(50%)
- Sports and Sports Sciences with a Focus on Prevention and Rehabilitation(75%, 25%)
- Theology, see Christianity and Culture
- Translation Studies for Information Technologies(100%)
- Translation (100%)
رشته های مقطع فوق لیسانس
- Ancient History
- Anthropology/Ethnology
- American Studies
- Applied Computer Science
- Art History and Museology (International Masters Degree)
- Assyriology
- Biochemistry
- Biomedical Engineering
- Byzantine Archaeology and Art History
- Chemistry
- Chinese Studies
- Christianity and Culture
- Classical and Modern Literature
- Classical Archaeology
- Classical Philology, Greek Studies
- Classical Philology, Latin Studies
- Comparative German Studies
- Computational Linguistics
- Computer Engineering
- Conference Interpretation and Translation
- Cultural and Religious History of South Asia
- Development, Environment, Societies, and History in South Asia
- Earth Sciences
- East Asian Art History
- Economics
- Editorial Theory and Textual Criticism
- Education Studies with a Focus on Organisational Development
- Egyptology
- English Studies
- European Art History
- Geoarchaeology
- Geography
- German as a second Language
- German-French Masters Degree in History
- German Studies
- Global History
- Health and Society in South Asia
- History
- Ibero-American Studies. Contact - Theories and Methods
- International Master in Innovative Medicine
- Italy in Contact - Literature, Arts, Languages, Cultures
- Japanese Studies
- Jewish Studies
- Mathematics
- Medical Informatics
- Medieval Studies
- Modern South Asian Languages and Literature
- Molecular Biosciences
- Molecular Biotechnology
- Musicology
- Near and Middle Eastern Studies
- Near Eastern Archaeology
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Pre- and Protohistory
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Romance Studies:French, Italian, Spanish
- Scientific Computing
- Semitic Studies
- Slavic and East European Studies
- Sociology
- Sports and Exercise in Childhood and Adolescence
- Theology, see Christianity and Culture
- Transcultural Studies
- Transcultural Studies. Literatures and Language Contacts in the French-speaking World
- Translation Studies (with international option Salamanca/Heidelberg)
- Translational Medical Research
رشته های مقطع فوق لیسانس به زبان انگلیسی
- American Studies
- Anthropology/Ethnology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Economics
- English Studies
- Health Economics
- Health and Society in South Asia
- International Health
- Medical Physics with Distinction in Radiotherapy and Biomedical Optics
- Molecular Biosciences
- Physics
- Scientific Computing
- Transcultural Studies
- Translational Medical Research
(M.A., M.Sc., LL.M. etc.)
- Dentistry
- Law
- Medicine in Heidelberg
- Medicine in Mannheim
- Pharmacy
رشته های مقطع دکترا
Faculty of Biosciences
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Faculty of Philosophy
Faculty of Modern Languages
Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Faculty of Behavioral and Cultural Studies
Medical Faculty of Heidelberg
Medical Faculty of Mannheim
منبع: استادی پلن